Nothin for Nothin
Nothin for Nothin
Live performance with Luke Shaw and P Wits
Artspace Main Gallery
Luke Shaw is a sound artist based in Ōtautahi Christchurch. His current research is focused on repurposing outmoded visual technologies into new sonic languages and articulating the relationship between sound and space through site-specific interventions. Shaw graduated from Ilam School of Fine Arts, University of Canterbury with a Masters of Fine Arts in 2020. Alongside his art practise, Shaw is one half of the guitar duo The Opawa 45s. His recent exhibitions include Domino Domino (2020), The Physics Room, and Sympathetic Resonance (2019— 2020), The Suter Art Gallery Te Aratoi o Whakatū.
For the New Artists Show 2020, Shaw has generated a site-specific sound work for the corridor and stair-well space. In Elevator, Drop Me!, long-form improvised guitar performances recorded alongside P Wits in the basement and gallery are transposed onto this transitory zone, exploring the potential for audible feedback to be re-articulated. Aurally, the architecture of the basement is relocated to the entrance of the corridor, while the gallery descends into the stairwell, enacting an immaterial blue-print for a reimagined corridor that condenses both architecture and duration. Through this sonic intervention, the boundaries of this site are expanded to encompass a much larger metaphysical area.