mgluw tuqiy na Temahahoi / 找尋迭馬哈霍伊的路徑 / Finding Pathways to Temahahoi: Ciwas Tahos 林安琪 Anchi Lin
mgluw tuqiy na Temahahoi
Finding pathways to Temahahoi
Ciwas Tahos
Anchi Lin
Curated by Daniel John Corbett Sanders
Artspace Aotearoa is proud to present mgluw tuqiy na Temahahoi/找尋迭馬哈霍伊的路徑/Finding Pathways to Temahahoi, a solo exhibition by Taipei (Taiwan) based artist Anchi Lin/Ciwas Tahos (Atayal, Hō-ló). Lin’s performance and new media based practice weaves indigenous Atayal worldviews through moving image, performance and cyberspace to claim a self determined queer space.
mgluw tuqiy na Temahahoi/找尋迭馬哈霍伊的路徑/Finding Pathways to Temahahoi takes us on a journey into Temahahoi; a place that Atayal legend says, where only women live. Temahahoi represents a decentralised queer space situated outside of colonial interpretations of queer discourse. Lin recalls personal memories, dreams, and stories with elders of Temahahoi in her multimedia installation of performance, moving image, and cyberspace to interrogate sovereignty, and ways to imagine a space for connection in the wake of loss, displacement and disconnection.
Atayal stories tell of how the women of Temahahoi possess magical powers with the natural world of animal, mineral and vegetable: they sustain their lifeforce from smoke and steam, and can become impregnated by the wind from sitting on a rock. Of specific significance for Lin is the Temahahoi women’s ability to commune with bees. Lin’s empowerment of Temahahoi is subversively political and implicitly radical - she uses her body as a medium and site through which vulnerability is a provocative, powerful force to explore concurrently, propositions for a vital indigenous and queer futurity.
林安琪 Anchi Lin (Ciwas Tahos)
Anchi Lin (Ciwas Tahos) is a performance and new media artist of Taiwanese Indigenous Atayal and Hō-ló heritage based in Taipei, Taiwan. Following completion of a Bachelor of Fine Art in Visual Art at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Lin is pursuing a Master of Fine Art in New Media Art at Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA). Through her artistic practice, Lin seeks out new forms of understanding beyond the hegemonic worldview using video, performance, cyberspace, and installation.
Recent significant projects include Pswagi Temahahoi, Suaveart for Jatiwangi Art Factory in Documenta 15 (Indonesia/Germany); Perhaps she comes/to__Alang in Phantasmapolis Asia Art Biennale, 2021(Taiwan); The Land in the Middle of the Pond commissioned by the Green Island Human Rights Art Festival, 2021; The Mask and Canoe in Silent Carnival: The Sight of Gender in Taiwan, Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Centre, 2020; Unripening – Recipes for Decolonization at Alternator Contemporary Art Centre, 2019 (Canada); performance artist for the 24th NIPAF’19, 2019 (Japan). Lin recently won first Prize for the TNUA Genie Lab Art Competition.
林安琪Ciwas Tahos畢業於加拿大西蒙菲莎大學當代美術系,回臺灣後踏上自我解殖的旅程與連結身分認同之議題,試圖透過藝術創作尋求主流世界觀之外的新理解和觀看形式,創作領域在行為藝術、錄像藝術和裝置藝術之間。
目前就讀國立台北藝術大學新媒體藝術碩士班,創作領域在行為藝術、錄像藝術和裝置藝術之間,近期獲得曾獲得「北藝大妖山混血實驗盃 - 首獎」、「2021北藝當代創作獎 優選獎」,發表作品包含網路作品《我的土地、當機的我》2021台北數位藝術節、作品《她可能來至_社》未至之城 - 2021亞洲藝術雙年展「在時間與性之外:亞洲科幻酷兒檔
案切片」、 《水池中的土地》2021綠島人權藝術祭、桃園原住民文化會館《寂靜的盛典:原住民當代藝術中的性別視鏡》展覽、加拿大Alternator當代藝術中心《不熟:解殖的食譜》展覽和第24屆日本國際行為藝術節。