13 June 2024

The in and the out of it: Symposium transcript launch

Artspace Aotearoa is pleased to launch The in and the out of it symposium transcript.

The in and the out of it symposium was a Chartwell 50th Anniversary Project, which took place on 9 March 2024 as part of the programme for the exhibition Priorities, Charlotte Posenenske, Peter Robinson.

The symposium explored our 2024 question, “do I need territory?” by examining the many art worlds through lectures and conversations between artists, art historians, curators, gallerists, and our wider community.

This edited transcript captures the symposium’s core presentations, which considered the economies and processes that produce these art worlds and how artists and artworks have contributed to discussions of self-determination, agency, and participation in modern and late capitalist paradigms.

Download the transcript,

Image: Ruth Buchanan and Judy Darragh, panel, Do I want to stay?, 9 March 2024.